Where to invest your time this winter
January 18, 2023
Around the country, winter looks different for many people. Whether you live in Upstate New York and face the cold and multiple feet of snow or in Texas with cooler than usual temperatures and hardly any snow. Winter is defined differently for farmers across the United States but no matter where you live, being prepared for this major seasonal change on the farm is critical for you, your livestock, your crops and your employees.
There are some steps you can take when preparing for winter on the farm. Firstly, we recommend looking at where you shelter your livestock and making any repairs, replacement or additions that the barn needs. Ensuring your cows have comfortable, warm and safe spaces to get through the winter weather is critical to keeping your livestock producing well.
Next, take a look at the needs of your herd. Do fences need to be repaired? Are any of your watering systems broken? Is your storage shed where you keep feed prepared to handle the snow load or blowing wind? These are critical questions that when answered before the weather arrives, will save you time and money.
Just like our livestock, the equipment on your farm is also a valuable asset. Done with the combine and the chopper? Perform the routine maintenance and make sure those assets have a proper place to be stored for the winter months. Your tools and equipment can take a big hit if not stored properly. Having a dry space for the equipment you don’t want out in the elements will ensure you’re ready for planting season come spring.
Lastly, make sure you and your team have the gear needed for the colder winter months. Even when winter hits on the farm, we know that the work never stops. Be prepared to handle all outdoor situations, whether dealing with leaks in the free-stall’s roof or tractors that won’t start in the cold, being dressed properly will take some of the stress out of already difficult situations.